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Seanchoíche x Seachtain na Gaeilge le Energia

Tá áthas an domhain orainn comhoibriú speisialta a dhéanamh le Seachtain na Gaeilge le Energia Dé hAoine, 1 Márta i Medley, BÁC 2. Is féile idirnáisiúnta Ghaeilge í Seachtain na Gaeilge le Energia, atá ar an gceiliúradh is mó dár dteanga agus dár gcultúr dúchais a bhíonn ar siúl in Éirinn agus in go leor tíortha eile gach bliain - agus tá gliondar orainn páirt a ghlacadh ann i mbliana.

Is é " Féidearthachtaí" téama na hoíche. Beidh gach scéal a inseofar bunaithe ar an téama seo. D'fhéadfeadh an scéal seo a bheith mar scéilín pearsanta, taithí duine eile atá i do shaol, píosa filíochta, monalóg nó pé rud eile a shamhlaítear le scéal.

Beidh seanchaithe eagraithe againn ar an oíche, más maith leat páirt a ghlacadh ann, déan teagmháil le

We are delighted to be doing a special collaboration with Seachtain na Gaeilge le Energia on Friday March 1st at Medley, Dublin 2. Seachtain na Gaeilge le Energia is an international Irish language festival and one of the biggest celebrations of our native language and culture that takes place each year in Ireland and in many other countries - and we are very excited to be involved this year!

The theme of the night is 'Possibilities'. All stories told will revolve around this theme. Stories may be personal anecdotes, other people’s experiences of someone in your life, pieces of poetry, monologues, poetry or anything we consider a story.

We will have arranged storytellers on the night, if you would like to take part contact

A seanchaí is a traditional Gaelic storyteller/historian. We're all natural born storytellers, and often underestimate the value of a good story.

'Empathy is remembering that everybody has a story. Multiple stories.' - Kae Tempest

29 February

Seanchoíche Dublin | Confessions

11 March

Seanchoíche New York | Childhood, Strangers + Change